Singapore Noodles with Pork and Pepper

Singapore Noodles - the descriptor seems designed to make things seem exotic. Probably no one in Singapore has ever heard of this dish.

Was it just a shorthand descriptor implying that the dish contained curry? Did "marketers" reckon that North American diners (at one time) would be more likely to eat "Singapore" Noodles than "curry noodles"? Who knows. 

In the KB kitchen this dish, by any name, is a favourite.

Click here for the recipe page, which links back here if you wish to leave a Comment or ask a Question or add a LIKE!


Whether you call them Palmiers, ears, butterflies or French hearts, this light, crispy indulgence just might be the highlight of your well deserved coffee / tea break.

They are a favourite in my increasing repertoire of easy treats using puff pastry sheets. You'll be surprised how quickly they come together - which is good because they'll disappear quickly and you'll be making them again and again!

Click here for the recipe page, which links back here if you wish to leave a Comment or ask a Question or add a LIKE!


Linzer Cookies


'Linzer" is perhaps more often associated with Linzer Torte - a crust that includes nuts, a jam filling and a lattice top.

Like many European classics, the recipe dates back hundreds of years. The ingredients and construction with a jam centre seem to lend themselves to "cookies", though I have no idea when that trend began.

Click here for the recipe page, which links back here if you wish to leave a Comment or ask a Question or add a LIKE!