About Diane Galambos.  Many food bloggers are young(ish) writers whose work is admirable, enviable – and even intimidating.  As for me, I can safely say that I am now too old to “die young” – and yet I hope to add a few more adventures to my life journey.  

Retired from being a post-secondary educator (focusing on technology and disabilities), life now has more space for well-being and wellness – and a blissful preoccupation with food – eating, as well as cooking - old and new recipes that defy categorization. Lacking the creds to be a bona fide chef, I worked for several years as a chef assistant, and continue to be a recipe tester for several magazines. Apart from catering one dinner party - I cook only for family and friends.  The nest is empty, so one of the greatest challenges of cooking is to find people to help eat everything.

I am a techie and currently channel that bliss into coaching seniors interested in using technology (that could be another blog…). 

Bliss, bliss, bliss… I use that word thoughtfully, with a nod to Joseph Campbell’s advice to “follow your bliss”.  It's never too late to do that. The bliss of technology, the bliss of cooking, eating and sharing love through food – the promise of so much bliss in one blog. Here we go!