Cathy's Sweet Potato Salad (served with sausages)
This is an easy recipe share since I have made only one change, so you may as well check out the original recipe (which includes a how-to vidoe) - a gluten-free, paleo keeper.
This is a gem from fellow FBC blogger Cathy who blogs at From Our Hideaway.
Her site description... "Here you’ll find a growing collection of recipes that are delicious, nutritious, easy to prepare, and gluten-free! Many of them are dairy-free and paleo as well. Few, if any, use refined sugars or typical white gluten-free, grain-based flours. I love good food – real food!" So pay her a visit and get lost in her fabulous recipe collection!
Cathy said she was hooked on this recipe all summer, but sweet potatoes are great in every season! This salad can be served warm or room temperature, and keeps well in the fridge for a few days - if it lasts that long. (It didn't in my house...)
My modifications to Cathy's recipe? I roasted (instead of boiling) the cubed sweet potatoes (350 F oven for about 20 minutes). And I added the dressing in stages; if you dump it all the the prepared sweet potatoes, you may find it to be too much, so add in stages to your liking.
<== Questions or Comments about this recipe that you want to direct to me? Visit the Recipe Q. C. page - looking forward to hearing from you!